Nextcloud has the ability to define some conditions under which external scripts are executed. The app which makes this possible is called “Workflow Script”. I always knew that this powerful tool exists, yet I never really had a use case for it. This changed last week.
I heavily rely on text files for note taking. I organize them in folders, for example I have a “Projects” folders with sub-folders for each project I work on currently. Within this folders I store all notes, protocols, etc. Each of this project folders contain a “Next”-file which contain the next steps in the project. With a growing number of projects, it become harder and harder to keep an overview over all the separated “Next”-files. Wouldn’t it be nice to have one overview file which contain all the next steps and updates itself automatically when I change one of the individual files?
Last week I decided to sit down and write a small bash script which does exactly this:
# call: ./ -f -o
# Collect Next Steps from the Projects and add it to the overview file
collectNextSteps () {
PROJECT=$(basename "$1")
echo $'\n\n'"## $PROJECT" >> $OVERVIEW
if [ -f "$1"/"Next" ]; then
tail -n +3 "$1"/"Next" >> $OVERVIEW
while getopts f:o: option
case "${option}"
# exit when no valid file was given or owner doesn't match the expected user
if [ -z "$FILE" ] || [ "$OWNER" != "$USER" ]; then
exit 1
# we only update the overview file if the modified "Next" was really in a projects folder
if [[ $FILE == *"Notes/nextcloud/Projects/"*"/Next" ]]; then
# Write headline of Overview file
echo $'Overview\n========' > $OVERVIEW
# collect all the next steps and write them to the overview file
find "$PROJECTS" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d | while read f; do collectNextSteps "$f"; done
# add a footer to the overview file
echo $'\n\n' >> $OVERVIEW
echo "Updated: " $(date)$'\n\n' >> $OVERVIEW
# Rescan overview file
php /var/www/nextcloud/occ files:scan --path="$OVERVIEW_RELATIVE" &> /dev/null
And integrated it into my Nextcloud:
As you can see, I hand over two parameters: The path to the file which was just written, updated or deleted (-f) and the owner of the file (-o) The script then iterates over all folders in the “Projects” folder, check if there is a “Next”-file and writes the content to the Projects/ file. After the file was written I initiate a files scan in order to update Nextcloud’s file cache.
That’s it. From now on I just have to go to the and see directly all the next steps of all projects I’m working on.
At the moment I manipulate the files directly on the server. This works nicely in my case but it has some limitation, for example in case of a different primary storage it might not be possible to manipulate the files directly on the file system. I discussed the problem with the maintainer of the “Workflow Script”-App. One possible solution could be to generate a temporary app token and handing it over to the script so that files can be manipulated with regular WebDAV calls to the Nextcloud server. I will give it a try during the next days.
I also have already some more scripts in mind. For example, I have a “Archive”-folder to archive finished projects. Currently I think about a script which identifies finished projects by a tag or some keywords and moves them automatically to the archive folder.